How can you support your community with your New Year’s resolutions?


Here at Savio, we believe that those who are willing to do the work deserve a fresh start. The families that receive services through us prove this every day by taking the steps to improve their relationships, address their trauma, and heal from complex challenges. The start of the new year reminds us all of the possibilities that come with a fresh start. Many of us are inevitably thinking about what these possibilities might look like, and planning how we can achieve them.

Whether you do New Year’s resolutions, vision boards, or just lay up at night thinking about the possibilities for the upcoming year, you have plans for what you are hoping to achieve. Do these plans include how you are going to support your community? We have a few suggestions on how you can be there for local families when they need it the most.

Get Involved New Programs And Projects

We would love the opportunity to invite you to be a part of an innovative way to support families impacted by substance use. You can schedule a call with Development Associate, Robyn Meeks. We are planning to launch a program that will represent a fresh approach to substance use treatment. In fact, it will be the first program in the nation to support the entire family while one or both parents are treated for substance use disorder. You can start your year by being one of the first to learn about how you can help these families when they need it the most.

Schedule a Monthly Donations

If planning your giving is a part of your new year’s plan, schedule a monthly donation to your charities of choice. If this is Savio, you can set it up online at It doesn’t matter if it is $1, $5, or $25. Every dollar goes directly to providing family preservation services, trauma therapy, and youth behavioral support. Services at Savio are provided at no cost to families, ensuring that regardless of income, they are able to receive family-focused treatment when they need it the most.

Become More Informed About How to Identify When A Family is in Need

Do you know the signs of abuse and neglect? Do you know what number to call when you are concerned for a child or family’s safety? If not you might consider learning more about the resources that are available to community members who are interested in preventing abuse and neglect. The Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Public Awareness Campaign has a wealth of information including 50+ Ways You Can Help Strengthen Families.

Do you have any new years resolutions in support of families that are not included on this list? We would love to hear about them! Tag us in social media posts of your vision board or email us your list of new years resolutions!